St. Joseph Shelter Meal

A big thank you to all of you who contribute monthly.

St. Joseph’s Homeless Shelter in Hyannis helps individuals facing a housing crisis.  It is the only emergency shelter for men and women who become homeless on Cape Cod.  In addition to providing a safe place to sleep, the NOAH Shelter provides job-search and housing-search assistance, case management, legal clinics, and substance-abuse and mental-health counseling.  The Shelter currently serves 45 people (15 women and 30 men).

For many years, a group of 21 members of our congregation has been providing a monthly meal for the Shelter. The meal consists of meatloaf, baked potato, green beans, salad, fruit, and a brownie. Members of the group drop off their food contribution at FPB on the third Saturday of every month. A member of the four-person driving team picks up the food and drives it to the shelter.   

At times, a group member cannot fulfill their commitment to this important program. I am looking for volunteers to substitute for them on an as-needed basis. Also, some folks are doing double duty. I am looking for more volunteers who can commit to this monthly mission of loving our neighbors. Please let me know if you want to join us as we live into our shared values. 

Food items must be delivered to the Fellowship Hall kitchen by 3 p.m. on Saturday, February 22nd. The door to Fellowship Hall will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for food drop-offs.

Please email Carol Yerby to sign up for this important service to our neighboring at-risk community. Thank you!!