Chuck Madansky is a semi-retired psychotherapist who has been a member of First Parish Brewster since 1981. He lives in Brewster with his wife of 43 years, Wilderness Sarchild, and is the grandfather of 6. Over the years, Chuck has served on the FPB Board of Trustees, the Safe Congregation Committee, the Habitat for Humanity group and taught in the CYM and OWL programs. He helped create the Right Relations Team and for many years now has been active in the pulpit as part of the Lay Ministry and Worship Committees. Chuck was one of the strongest voices at First Parish to speak out about US involvement with torture. He brings a wealth of experience in conflict resolution and group counseling to the Ministerial Search Committee and looks forward to serving as its Treasurer and Vibes Watcher.

Diane Pansire moved to Cape Cod in 1993 and made Brewster home mainly because of FPB. Over the years she has served as Treasurer, taught in the CYM program, served in the Endowment Committee, the Finance Committee, and visited our partner church in Jobagyfalva. She is honored to have received the 2023 Donor and Contributor of the Year Award from Amplify POC Cape Cod. She serves on the Habitat for Humanity Credit Committee and the Community Development Partnership Advisory Committee. She has served the Town of Brewster on the Community Preservation Committee and on the Brewster Housing Partnership. She is the busy foster mom to four teens. Diane graduated with a Philosophy degree from UC/Berkeley, then owned two restaurants

Judy Jollett, Judy is a retired nurse practitioner, originally from Baltimore.  She began her 45 year medical career training in surgical intensive care at Johns Hopkins Medical Center, later expanding her training in emergency services, and in family practice, working both in direct care and as an administrator.  She received 2 bachelor’s degrees (Sociology, and Nursing) and 2 Master’s degrees (Planning and Administration, and Nursing).   She received an award from the Mayor of Baltimore for service to the Special Olympics.

She moved to Cape Cod with her wife of 47 years, Mary Jo, in 1984, and found First Parish Brewster in 2004—a life changing experience.  She has served as the Sea Captain’s Fair Co-Coordinator, on the Social Justice Committee, Welcoming Congregation.  She developed and coordinated the Film and Dinner Series for 12 years, developed and coordinates the Soup Shoppe, serves on the Fundraising Committee, and plays clarinet in the FPB instrumental ensemble.

Current community projects include environmental volunteering with the Center for Coastal Studies and Friends of the Bass River.  She is a passionate recreational musician playing in 3 community bands, her ukulele ensemble, a bluegrass group, a clarinet quintet, FPB handpan choir, and studying piano and mountain dulcimer.   Other pursuits have included racquet sports, crabbing, skiing, earning a second degree black belt at the age of 50, and she loves chess.

     She considers it an absolute honor to have been chosen to be on the ministerial search committee!

Julia Enroth is a retired Town Administrator currently living in Orleans with her amazing dog Maura. She is a mother, grandmother and soon to be great grandmother. In 2008 Julia and her late partner, David, joined FPBUU after participating for several years in the FPB Hiking/Walking Group. During her years as part of this community, she has served as Board of Trustees President, Council Moderator, Personnel Committee Chair, Leadership Nominating Committee member and Humanist Group member. Julia continues to be active on the Caring Committee, Landscape Committee, Sunday Morning Support Team (usher), Building a Bigger Table (immigration justice) Committee (Co-Chair), and Circle Alliance (Treasurer and Collation Coordinator). She is honored to be a part of the Ministerial Search Committee, serving as its Internal Communications Coordinator/Record Keeper. Julia looks forward to utilizing past experience and knowledge in the search process.

Kris Yerby is the proud father of two adult daughters. He spent his career working in the information technology field. Kris graduated from Northeastern University with a degree in business management. He participated in the coop program and worked for IBM and Honeywell. He was hired by Honeywell to teach people how to use personal computers. Kris then shifted his focus to computer sales and ran an Apple Value Added Reseller. He was then hired by one of his clients to manage Technical Support Services at Education Development Center, an international nonprofit organization. His last job was working for Keyes North Atlantic as an Electromechanical Sales Engineer designing and installing technical systems that make buildings work. Kris and his wife Carol retired to Cape Cod five years ago. Kris is a volunteer with the Brewster Ponds Coalition, and the Big Brother, Big Sister organization. At First Parish Brewster, Kris serves on the Building Maintenance Committee, the Membership Committee, the Energy Task Force, and Faith Family Kitchen.

Laura Gill is a semi-retired RN and wildlife biologist who has been part of the First Parish Brewster community since 1998. She lives in Brewster with her wife of 30 years, Marie Hartley, and is the mother of two children, Gill and Bennett Hartley. In her time at FPB, Laura has been very involved in many things children/youth, including as a decade-plus member of the Children, Youth, Ministries Committee, Coming of Age and Chalice Children leader, and developer and co- director of FPB’s summer program, “Summer’s Not Over at the UU.” She also serves or has served on the Leadership Nominating Committee, Financial Futures Tiger Team, Welcoming Congregation Committee and Meetinghouse Gallery Committee. She also participates in multiple FPB social justice initiatives and sings in the choir and OMG (Organic Music Group). She is honored to be part of the Ministerial Search Committee as B4 Workshop Coordinator, Documents Packet Assembler and co-Cottage Meetings/Focus Group Coordinator.

Margaret Rice Moir joined First Parish Brewster in 2009, immediately after retiring to Cape Cod from a seaside community in central NJ. There she’d taught special needs children and infants in public and private settings. Her career spanned thirty-four years. Many of those years she was a member of the Lincroft NJ UU Congregation, where she served in many capacities, including religious education, spiritual small group ministries, governance, organizing public witness events, and worship preparation and delivery. Before the move to Massachusetts, Margaret served on that congregation’s successful Ministerial Search Committee. Margaret established a spiritual dance ministry, which was invited to perform at Starr Island and at General Assembly.. Margaret is Mom to two adult children and Grandmother to three young adult grandsons. She is currently completing a memoir about her life caring for her husband during his eight year battle with Alzheimer’s Disease.