Membership at First Parish Brewster means intentionally committing to this faith community and publicly acknowledging our decision to journey through the world as a Unitarian Universalist, Membership means….

–        Active Participation: contributing our time and talents in ways meaningful to us while enabling us to amplify our voices to serve needs greater than our own.

–        Financial Support: annually pledging as we are able so that we can effectively support our church community and advance our mission in the larger community. Members’ pledges vary widely depending upon their personal financial situations; contributions are always treated confidentially and with respect. 

 –        Attendance at Sunday Services (in person or online). Sunday services since 1700 have enabled the total community to bond, experience and evolve our faith together.  This is the way we will be able to pass our faith along, from generation to generation, in the decades to come.  

–        Acting “in covenant” with each other.  We are a covenantal, rather than credal, faith.  Our focus is not on requiring that people believe in a certain way, but on keeping our promises about how we will treat each other as we share our time, work and faith development together.

–        Being open to opportunities to take leadership roles and participating in meetings where we have the right to vote on the community’s mission and vision.

–        Caring and supporting each other in the highs and lows in our day-to-day lives.

 Process of Becoming a member of First Parish Brewster UU

If you have been visiting First Parish Brewster and desire more information, we invite you to a short, 30 minute “meet and greet” with the minister and membership offered once a month after a Sunday Service.  This session, which we call UU101, is an opportunity for us to get to know you and for you to ask questions, especially if you know nothing about Unitarian Universalism.  All are welcome regardless of whether you have membership in mind.

If your interest is piqued, quarterly we offer a Starting Point class.  Here, participants explore Unitarian Universalism in a small group through the lens of theological journey:  our individual journeys; the journey/history of Unitarian Universalism and First Parish Brewster UU; and our journey together.  Throughout, there is an emphasis on providing participants with a hands-on experience of Unitarian Universalism while connecting them with others in the community.  Even if you have been a member of a UU congregation elsewhere, this is a great way to get to know people!   

We ask all of those who are considering membership to come to a UU 201 Class after a Sunday service; this is true whether you have been a member of a Unitarian Universalist church elsewhere, have just completed the Starting Point class, or are reinstating as a First Parish Brewster UU member.  At this brief, informative gathering held periodically during the year after a Sunday service, we review the privileges and responsibilities of membership and our hopes and dreams for you as you journey with us.  Once you make the decision to join, you become an official member by pledging and signing our Membership Book. 

If you are asking, “How do I know if this is the right place for me?”  our Interim Minister Rev. Kaaren Anderson answers

Good question.  It’s kind of a simple metric.  If you drive by First Parish Brewster UU and say, “I go to that church, “in some ways, you’re not ready for membership.  If you drive by and say, “That’s my church!”  You are!  Membership implies ownership.  If you rent a house, you aren’t the caretaker.  However, if you own a house, you are.  One implies a greater depth of commitment and responsibility. 

So, if “That’s my church! “is your answer.  We can’t wait for you to join us!

To reach Membership, email with your question and we will be in touch.