News from the Search Committee

November was a critical month, friends. We have been working hard on behalf of our congregation on a major deadline to complete our Congregational Record and send it off to the UUA for review before it becomes accessible to ministerial candidates.  Mission Accomplished!  It is a wonderful, warm, enticing,honest invitation to FPBUU. We hope December will be a slower … Continue reading News from the Search Committee

Announcing Our New Mission Statement

Friends, After great deliberation and consideration, we finally came up with a new mission statement! We cultivate liberating love by:Living with mindful intention;Acting with kindness;Serving needs greater than our own.Thanks to all who participated in lending your thoughts, voice and heart to the process.   I often say that our work together is to heal spiritual … Continue reading Announcing Our New Mission Statement

Split Plate Donations

Our Sunday Split Plate Offertory has raised nearly $18,324 for 31 different organizations in the second half of this calendar year, July 2023- March 2024,. What a wonderful way to support organizations which do good work in the world! Thank you for your continued generosity which makes this possible. Organizations include: Emerald Hollow Therapeutic Riding Program $270, PFLAG of Cape … Continue reading Split Plate Donations

St. Joseph Shelter Meal

A big thank you to all of you who contribute monthly. St. Joseph’s Homeless Shelter in Hyannis helps individuals facing a housing crisis.  It is the only emergency shelter for men and women who become homeless on Cape Cod.  In addition to providing a safe place to sleep, the NOAH Shelter provides job-search and housing-search assistance, … Continue reading St. Joseph Shelter Meal