Theme for the Year: Love at the Center 

This year, the theme of our Children and Youth Ministry is “Love at the Center.” This guiding principle underscores everything that we do, emphasizing that love is the core value driving our actions, discussions, and projects. Through this theme, we aim to help our children and youth understand and practice love in its many forms—self-love, love for others, and love for the world around us. 

Our children and youth programs are open to all regardless of their background, beliefs, or identities. We celebrate diversity and strive to create a space where every individual feels valued, actively embracing differences and ensuring that our activities and discussions are accessible and respectful of all participants. We prioritize building strong, supportive relationships. 

Click here for detailed descriptions of our nursery through high school programs. CYM programs 24-25

For more information, contact Deb Selkow, Interim Religious Education Director,