Every once in a while, the goddess or spirit or the universe knocks us for a loop by showing us something unexpected, maybe spectacular, maybe simply deeply touching, something that makes us say, “Holy cow! How did I get so lucky? How blessed am I to be touched by this moment?” In these instants, we are called to gratitude. We will explore these moments together.
Split Plate Offering
Family Table Collaborative
If you are not able to join us in person, we will be streaming the service live on our YouTube channel found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx25Z7yBfsFqneQjThk5-pA
If you have problems streaming, please let the office know.
We have a Mask Optional policy. There is one area in the Sanctuary where masks are required, the west rear chair area (formerly the children and families area).
Ushers will be available to help you locate this area.