“Trust is important, but it is also dangerous.” So says the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. How do we manage trust to strengthen the relationships it engages while navigating the dangers of trusting? Join worship associate Elenita Muñiz and our retiring Administration and Finance Director Karena Stroh as we examine two case studies of trust challenged and restored. What is that process? What are our roles and obligations in building and maintaining relations of trust? What commitments can we make to holding and invigorating trust?
Split Plate Offering: Cape Cod Museum of Natural History
Please give generously. Your offering will benefit the great work of First Parish Unitarian Universalist. Make checks out to FPBUU with the service date on the memo line. Please write a separate check for pledge payments.
If you are not able to join us in person, we will be streaming the service live on our YouTube channel found HERE: If you have problems streaming, please let the office know. We have transitioned to a Mask Optional policy. There is one area in the rear of the Sanctuary where masks are required, the west rear chair area. Ushers will be available to help you locate this area.