Doing Nothing is Something

A culture of busyness prevails in our society. Our reputation is linked to it, and
our free time is dominated by it. If we do nothing, we feel inferior, but we need time 
in which we do nothing at all in order to find an inner balance. Join worship
associates Wilderness Sarchild and Chuck Madansky as they share lessons learned
from doing nothing during their retreat this past week living in a dune shack in the
Peaked Hills of the Provincelands.

Split Plate Offering: Habitat for Humanity of Cape Cod

If you are not able to join us in person, we will be streaming the service live on our YouTube channel found here:

If you have problems streaming, please let the office know.
We have transitioned to a Mask Optional policy. There is one area in the
Sanctuary where masks are required, the west rear chair area (formerly the
children and families area). Ushers will be available to help you locate this area.