It’s been a rough couple of weeks. The policy changes from DC and authoritarian decrees issued that are cruel, aggressive, punitive, and far-reaching are indeed hard to sit with, much less process. And yet we must. The common good rests on our commitment to embody an inclusive way of being in the world, that ultimately makes us larger, fuller, and more well. . . humane. And yet, HOW is the question! I don’t have all the answers, dear ones, but I’m hoping we can embark on this path together to find footholds that will carry us forward together with a sense of hope, commitment, and abiding love.
Split Plate Offering: The UU Urban Ministry (UUUM)
If you are not able to join us in person, we will stream the service live on our YouTube channel, which can be found HERE. If you have problems streaming, please let the office know.
We have transitioned to a Mask-Optional policy. Masks are required in one area in the rear of the Sanctuary, the west rear chair area. Ushers will be available to help you locate this area.