Speaker: Rev. Kaaren Anderson

The Ghosts of Regret

I like to think I don’t regret anything.  Or at least I want to live a life where I don’t regret anything and yet, ummm, it’s kind of impossible!!  Seriously, wouldn’t it be great to have lived such a life?  One in which we got it right, all the time?  Unfortunately, we don’t, do we, … Continue reading The Ghosts of Regret

Up On The Housetop

The season’s best stories seem innocently produced at first blush, but when you dig a little deeper, turns out they had your pocketbook first and foremost in mind.  But have no fear, as they say, the truth can set you free, and your pocketbook with it, because in the end, my friends, you are the … Continue reading Up On The Housetop

Lilly’s Legacy

Our yearly ritual of story and memory come together in this service of celebrating all that we gained from those we’ve loved and lost and bravely moving forward as we integrate those blessings into our living and loving.  Split Plate Offering: Mashpee Wampanoag Indian Museum If you are not able to join us in person, we … Continue reading Lilly’s Legacy