Speaker: Rev. Kaaren Anderson

The Elixer of Life

Few things can transform us the way laughter can. So often we get entombed by an experience, condition or worry, which then dominates our life and eclipses the good.  And yet friends, there is one sure fire way out, one transformative experience, that can get us out if we let it.    Split Plate Offering: UNICEF … Continue reading The Elixer of Life

“To Alma with Love”

 I think Jim Lieb, our church president, got it right when he said, “Alma is the spirit of First Parish Brewster”  LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN SO THERE IS NO CONFUSION THIS MORNING: Alma is the spirit of First Parish Brewster…  Come see what I mean, and jump into all it means to celebrate and support First … Continue reading “To Alma with Love”