We gather in worship to find meaning. Worship creates connections within, among, and beyond, calling us to our better selves to live with wisdom and compassion.

Our Sunday services begin at 10:00 AM, last about an hour, and are streamed for those who are unable to gather in person. Services vary in content but typically include opening words, readings, silent reflection or meditation, a story for all ages at the front of the sanctuary before our children transition to their children’s space, a deeply meaningful sermon, and a Split Plate offertory. Half of our Split Plate offertory supports the work of First Parish Brewster, and the other half is given to a nonprofit selected for its efforts to address injustice locally, nationally, or worldwide. (Link to an alphabetized list of recent recipients)

Our congregation loves music! When attending service on any Sunday, you will experience enthusiastic hymn singing by the congregation and a variety of music performed by our choir, soloists, and/or instrumentalists. (Link to the Music Ministry page)

After worship, everyone is invited to coffee hour in the Parish Room or on the front plaza in good weather.

We look forward to meeting you and encourage you to attend several services to get a good sense of what we are all about! Past services are archived at fpbuu.org/worship/service-archive/