Speaker: Rev Jessica Clay

Beginning Again

September is Recovery Month, in this service we will explore how addictions can impact our lives, and the healing messages of recovery. Join us for this sacred tender service as we explore what it means to be given another chance. Split Plate        Angel House Shelter  

Ingathering Sunday

Join us for our annual blessing of the waters service as we begin the church year together. New this year will have a blessing of the backpacks during the service. All are welcome to this joyous celebration with music by our OMG, Organic Music Group. Split Plate–       The Native Land Conservancy -The Mashpee Wampanoag … Continue reading Ingathering Sunday

Striving for Justice

Join us for a service exploring the 6th and proposed 8th principles. How do our principles support us moving towards creating a beloved community, and what is required of us to get there? Join us for this service as we journey the path towards justice together.