Speaker: Worship Associate Judy Harrison

Walking in Another’s Shoes: A Sermon on Empathy

To feel empathy it is often said one must walk a mile in another person’s shoes. What is empathy and how can we develop more of it?Reverend Bill Clark returns to our pulpit to explore the feelings of empathy. Bio: The Reverend Bill Clark did his ministerial internship here at FPB from 1997-1999. He was … Continue reading Walking in Another’s Shoes: A Sermon on Empathy

Trust as a Verb

How does trust grow when living in a history of brokeness? How can we grow our wholeness while recognizing the ways trust helps and lack thereof hinders? Join us as we live into these questions together. Split Plate Offering- Helping Our Women

Mystery Surrounds Us

As the season of advent begins we are invited to explore the mystery within waiting. How do we prepare ourselves for what is to come when the future seems murky at best? Join us as we embrace these questions together. Split Plate – Annunciation House