Speaker: Worship Associate Chuck Ross

Music Rising – a Celebration

Split Plate Offering UU Ministry for the Earth (UUMFE) If you are not able to join us in person, we will be streaming the service live on our YouTube channel found here:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx25Z7yBfsFqneQjThk5-pA If you have problems streaming, please let the office know. During the service, the congregation will remain masked. Speakers from the pulpit have … Continue reading Music Rising – a Celebration


Join Rev Jessica and Worship Associate Chuck Ross for a service where we reflect on our history and what it calls us to now. Split Plate OfferingZion Union Heritage MuseumIf you are not able to join us in person, we will be streaming the service live on our YouTube channel found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx25Z7yBfsFqneQjThk5-pAIf you have problems streaming, … Continue reading Juneteenth


“Aweism is the belief that existence is ultimately a beautiful mystery, that being alive is a wellspring of wonder, and that the deepest questions of life, death, time, and space are so power­ful as to inspire deep feelings of joy, poignancy, and sublime awe.” -Phil Zuckerman. Join us as we discover how humanism & atheism … Continue reading Aweism

The Secret to Happiness

Books are written about it, movies are made about it, and yet the secret to happiness is ever elusive. In this service we will explore a few of the prevailing theories, and maybe come up with a few of our own. Split Plate – Cape Cod Late Night Bus Routes 2019

Faithful Democracy

With the election on the horizon, join us as we explore what faithful democracy is, and what it asks of us. We will explore what we carry with us into the ballot box, and how it affects our daily lives and relationships. Split Plate–    UU Mass Action